
Hopi Katsina carvings carried by Native Seed Search

Hopi Katsina carvings carried by Native Seed Search

As we continue our exploration through art, we have been fortunate to have other galleries / shops wishing to carry our artwork. As an artist, creating work for other businesses can be rewarding in having your creations shown in other places. Creating artwork for other businesses can also be a challenge in that you want to make sure that you are not only creating work they appreciate, but also ensure that it will appeal to their customers. Taking the extras steps in matting, packaging, and providing information with the artwork helps in presentation. Please check out our page listing our partnerships and also take some time to visit their websites, I think they are all interesting organizations.

Fourth World Design llc

Fourth World Design is an indigenous owned business highlighting the artwork and designs of Gerald Dawavendewa

Ledger Art